The academic progress of each child is vigilantly monitored by a codified assessment battery comprising of class tests, projects, practical experiments, assignments and class participation. The continuous assessment reports are communicated to parents or guardians periodically on a regular basis.

Mid-term tests, terminal examinations, term paper presentation and practical experiment demonstrations are major credit point assessments. Promotion to the next class is done based on weighted averages.

Finally, in the 6th year, at the end of the first term, students sit for the Science Proficiency Examination before commencing the external examinations in the second term.

Students are awarded grades on a five-point scale for the following:

  • Respect for constituted authority
  • Obedience to school rules
  • Punctuality
  • Personal neatness and comportment
  • Good manners
  • Leadership
  • Speed and accuracy in academic work
  • Team spirit and co-operation
  • Reliability
  • Initiative and originality
  • Attitude to work
  • Willingness to accept responsibility
  • Self-confidence